
Slides and code for Census data workshops given at the University of Michigan in 2023

This repository contains materials for a series of workshops on using Census data in R and Python given for the University of Michigan’s Social Science Data Analysis Network in February of 2023.

Workshop slides are available from the links below:

Instructions for the first two workshops

pkgs <- c("tidycensus", "tidyverse", "mapview", "plotly", "ggiraph", 
          "survey", "srvyr", "mapedit", "mapboxapi", 
          "leafsync", "spdep", "segregation")


Experienced users should re-install tidycensus to get the latest updates and ensure that all code used in the workshop will run.

Other packages used will be picked up as dependencies of these packages on installation.

A Census API key is recommended to access the Census API. Participants can sign up for a key at (it generally takes just a few minutes).

Instructions for the third (Python) workshop

Users newer to Python should use the hosted Colab notebooks. Access them from these links:

Advanced users can clone the repository and build a conda environment using the environment.yml file in the python folder. Then, they should activate the ssdan-python environment.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate ssdan-python