class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Spatial Census data and mapping in Python ] .subtitle[ ## SSDAN Workshop Series ] .author[ ### Kyle Walker ] .date[ ### February 22, 2023 ] --- ## About me .pull-left[ * Associate Professor of Geography at TCU * Spatial data science researcher and consultant * Package developer: __tidycensus__, __tigris__, __mapboxapi__, __crsuggest__, __idbr__ (R), __pygris__ (Python) * Book: [_Analyzing US Census Data: Methods, Maps and Models in R_]( - Just released on February 16! - To support these workshops: [buy on Amazon]( or [direct from CRC Press]( ] .pull-right[ <img src=img/walker_crop.jpg> ] --- ## SSDAN workshop series * February 8: [Working with the 2021 American Community Survey with R and tidycensus]( * Last week (February 15): [Mapping and spatial analysis with ACS data in R]( * Today (February 22): [Spatial Census data and mapping in Python]( --- ## Today's agenda * Hour 1: An introduction to spatial data in Python * Hour 2: Finding data and making maps in Python * Hour 3: Doing GIS and spatial data analysis in Python --- ## Getting set up with Python The _easiest_ way to follow along with today's workshop is to use Google Colab. Access notebooks for each Part from the following links: * [Part 1: An introduction to spatial data in Python]( * [Part 2: Finding data and making maps in Python]( * [Part 3: Doing GIS and spatial data analysis in Python]( Advanced users can clone the repository and build a conda environment using the `environment.yml` file in the `python` folder: ```bash conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate ssdan-python ``` --- class: middle, center, inverse ## Part 1: An introduction to spatial data in Python --- ## PyData: Python for data science <img src="" style="width:500px"> .footnote[Image source: [Coiled](,of%20industries%20and%20academic%20research.)] --- ## GeoPandas <img src="" style="width:600px"> * GeoPandas provides extensions to Pandas to allow for geographic data handling * It is a _comprehensive_ package that helps you perform most core GIS tasks seamlessly in Python! * Core data structure: the _GeoDataFrame_ --- ## The TIGER/Line shapefiles .pull-left[ <img src=img/tiger_logo.png style="width: 350px"> ] .pull-right[ * TIGER: Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing database * High-quality series of geographic datasets released by the US Census Bureau * Distributed as _shapefiles_, a common GIS data format comprised of several related files ] .footnote[Image source: [US Census Bureau](] --- ## Spatial Census data with __pygris__ * __pygris__: A brand-new Python package I wrote to simplify the process of getting Census shapefiles into your Python projects * It is a near-feature-complete port of the R __tigris__ package which I've been maintaining for several years * You can view the documentation at; let's dive in! --- class: middle, center, inverse ## Getting started with pygris --- ## How to use pygris * You can `import pygris` to get access to all its functions, or import specific functions as you need them * Most functions correspond to a particular Census geographic dataset (like counties) ```python import pygris nebraska_counties = pygris.counties(state = "NE") ``` --- class: middle, center, inverse ## Tour: getting to know Python and GeoPandas --- ## Plotting and viewing data * GeoPandas includes two main methods for plotting data. Static plots can be created with `.plot()`: ```python nebraska_counties.plot() ``` Interactive, browsable maps can be created with `.explore()`: ```python nebraska_counties.explore() ``` --- <img src="img/nebraska_counties.png" width="600px" /> --- ## US Census Geography <img src=img/census_diagram.png style="width: 500px"> .footnote[Source: [US Census Bureau](] --- ## Datasets available in pygris * __Legal entities__: units that have legal significance in the US (e.g. states, counties) * __Statistical entities__: units that are used to tabulate Census data but do not have legal standing (e.g. Census tracts or block groups) * __Geographic features__: other geographic datasets provided by the Census Bureau that are not used for demographic tabulation (e.g. roads, water) --- ## Example: geographic features (lines) ```python washtenaw_roads <- pygris.roads(state = "MI", county = "Washtenaw") washtenaw_roads.plot() ``` --- ## Example: statistical entities (polygons) ```python washtenaw_tracts = pygris.tracts(state = "MI", county = "Washtenaw") washtenaw_tracts.plot() ``` --- ## How pygris works When you call a pygris function: * By default, a shapefile corresponding to the function and arguments used will be downloaded from the Census FTP server and read into Python as a GeoDataFrame * If the argument `cache = True` is used: - pygris builds a cache directory and saves the downloaded shapefile there - If `cache = True` is used a subsequent time, pygris will look in the cache directory instead of on the Census website for the shapefile so you don't have to re-download it - This option is very useful for large files! --- ## TIGER/Line vs. Cartographic Boundary shapefiles * Question I've received over the years: "Why does Michigan look so weird?" * The core TIGER/Line shapefiles include _water area_ that belongs to US states and counties * Use the argument `cb = True` to obtain a _cartographic boundary shapefile_ pre-clipped to the US shoreline * For some geographies, highly generalized (1:5 million and 1:20 million) shapefiles are available with the `resolution` argument --- ## TIGER/Line vs. Cartographic Boundary shapefiles ```python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Get the default TIGER/Line file for counties in Michigan mi_tiger = pygris.counties(state = "MI", cache = True) # Get the cartographic boundary file with cb = True mi_cartographic = pygris.counties(state = "MI", cb = True, cache = True) # Plot the two side-by-side to compare them fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols = 2, figsize = (10, 8)) mi_tiger.plot(ax = ax[0]) mi_cartographic.plot(ax = ax[1]) ax[0].set_title("TIGER/Line") ax[1].set_title("Cartographic") ``` --- <img src="img/tiger_vs_cb.png" width="600px" /> --- class: middle, center, inverse ## Working with geometries in pygris --- ## Shifting and rescaling the non-contiguous US * A common problem when working with US data: how to represent non-contiguous parts of the country? ```python us = pygris.states(cb = True, resolution = "20m") us.plot(figsize = (12, 8)) ``` --- <img src="img/us_plot.png" width="800px" /> --- ## The `shift_geometry()` function * Use `shift_geometry()` to shift and optionally re-scale Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico ```python from pygris.utils import shift_geometry us_rescaled = shift_geometry(us) us_rescaled.plot(figsize = (12, 8)) ``` * Customize the display with `position` and `preserve_area` arguments ```python us_shifted = shift_geometry(us, position = "outside", preserve_area = True) us_shifted.plot(figsize = (12, 8)) ``` --- <img src="img/shift_geometry.png" width="600px" /> --- ## Erasing water area * While CB files are pre-clipped to the US shoreline, they don't always do a great job of representing water-rich areas. For example: ```python pinellas_tracts = pygris.tracts("FL", "Pinellas", cb = True) pinellas_tracts.explore(tooltip = False, popup = True) ``` --- ## Erasing water area * Solution: the `erase_water()` function automates the removal of water areas from your polygons, using the `area_water()` function to acquire data under the hood * Use the `area_threshold` argument to specify how much water area to remove (higher = only the largest water areas are removed) ```python from pygris.utils import erase_water pinellas_erase = erase_water(pinellas_tracts, area_threshold = 0.95) pinellas_erase.explore(tooltip = False, popup = True) ``` --- ## Part 1 exercises 1. Try out pygris! Explore available geographies in the pygris documentation and get data for a state and/or county of your choosing. Plot the result with `.plot()` or `.explore()`. 2. Try out all the available combinations of `shift_geometry()`. Which configuration do you like the best? --- class: middle, center, inverse ## Part 2: Finding data and making maps in Python --- ## Geographic data visualization in Python * Many US datasets are aggregated to Census geographic areas, so pygris will fit well within a wide range of data analysis workflows on US topics * We'll be looking at two mapping use-cases: - Mapping data from the American Community Survey - Mapping externally-acquired US election data --- ## Finding Census data in Python * In the previous two workshops, you learned about __tidycensus__, my R package for working with American Community Survey data (and other Census resources) * I'm not going to write __tidycensus__ for Python. However, we do have a number of options: - [cenpy]( - [census]( - [CensusData]( - [censusdis]( * If you want to stick with pygris, you can use the `get_census()` function, inspired by the __censusapi__ R package --- ## Step 1: getting Census geographic data ```python from pygris import tracts nyc_counties = ["New York", "Bronx", "Richmond", "Kings", "Queens"] nyc_tracts = tracts(state = "NY", county = nyc_counties, cb = True, year = 2021, cache = True) nyc_tracts.plot() ``` --- ## Step 2: getting demographic data from the ACS * The `get_census()` function is inspired by the __censusapi__ R package, which can flexibly get data from any Census Bureau API endpoint ```python from import get_census ny_college = get_census(dataset = "acs/acs5/profile", variables = "DP02_0068PE", year = 2021, params = { "for": "tract:*", "in": "state:36"}, guess_dtypes = True, return_geoid = True) ``` --- ## How `get_census()` works * `dataset` is the dataset name on the Census API you are connecting to; find datasets at * `variables` is a string (or list of strings) representing the variable IDs you want for a given dataset. For the 2021 5-year ACS Data Profile, those variable IDs are found at * `year` is the year of your data (or end-year for a 5-year ACS sample) * `params` is a dict of query parameters to send to the API. * `guess_dtypes` and `return_geoid`: used for some light pre-processing of our data --- ## A first map * The `plot()` method in GeoPandas can be used to make a choropleth map with minimal code! ```python nyc_merged = nyc_tracts.merge(ny_college, how = "inner", on = "GEOID") nyc_merged.plot(column = "DP02_0068PE", legend = True, figsize = (10, 10)) ``` --- <img src="img/nyc1.png" width="500px" /> --- ## Improving our plot * By default, missing values are omitted from the map; we may want to fill them in * We haven't erased water area from the map, creating a misleading representation of Manhattan (and other areas) * We may want to choose a different color palette * The legend colorbar is very large, and the gridlines may not be necessary * We should add contextual information like a plot title --- ## Improving our plot ```python from pygris.utils import erase_water import matplotlib.pyplot as plt nyc_erase = erase_water(nyc_merged, area_threshold = 0.9) nyc_erase.plot(column = "DP02_0068PE", legend = True, figsize = (10, 10), cmap = "plasma", legend_kwds = dict(shrink = 0.5), missing_kwds = dict(color = "lightgrey")) plt.title("Percent with bachelor's degree or higher\nNew York City, 2017-2021 ACS") ax = plt.gca() ax.set_axis_off() ``` --- <img src="img/nyc2.png" width="500px" /> --- ## Interactive choropleth mapping * The `.explore()` method, like `.plot()`, can also be customized to make interactive choropleth maps * Syntax is _similar to_, but not the same as, making maps with `.plot()` ```python nyc_erase.explore(column = "DP02_0068PE") ``` --- ## Customizing interative choropleth maps * Like `.plot()`, `.explore()` has a wide range of options. Arguments will differ as they get passed through to the underlying Folium / Leaflet engine ```python nyc_subset = nyc_erase.filter(["GEOID", "DP02_0068PE", "geometry"]) nyc_subset.explore(column = "DP02_0068PE", cmap = "plasma", tooltip = False, popup = True, tiles = "CartoDB positron", style_kwds = dict(weight = 0.5, nan_fill_color = "lightgrey"), popup_kwds = dict(aliases = ["Census tract", "Percent"]), legend_kwds = dict(caption = "Percent age 25+ with bachelor's degree")) ``` --- class: middle, center, inverse ## Workflow: election mapping --- ## Workflow: election mapping * Task: make an informative county-level map of the 2020 US Presidential Election results * It's not as easy as we might think! * Extended tutorial on data wrangling for visualization and alternative map types for a given topic --- ## Acquiring and merging the data * We can use a similar workflow to the previous section to make a first map: ```python from pygris import counties import pandas as pd results2020 = pd.read_csv("", dtype = {"county_fips": "object"}) results2020['per_dem'] = results2020['per_dem'] * 100 us_counties = counties(cb = True, year = 2020) us_election = us_counties.merge(results2020, left_on = "GEOID", right_on = "county_fips") us_election.plot("per_dem", cmap = "RdBu", legend = True, figsize = (10, 8)) ``` --- <img src="img/election1.png" width="750px" /> --- ## Problems with our map * Hawaii is distant from the continental United States... * And Alaska is missing entirely, as it tabulates votes by state legislative district, not by county! * Workflow: get and clean state legislative districts for Alaska; stitch it together with the remaining US counties; then use `shift_geometry()` for a better map --- ## Wrangling Census geometries * Task: use pygris to get Alaska House districts, then remove Alaska counties from the counties dataset and replace them with the House districts ```python from pygris import state_legislative_districts ak_districts = state_legislative_districts("AK", cb = True, house = "lower", year = 2020) # We remove Alaska counties from the counties dataset, then align the columns of our data us_counties_noak = us_counties.query('GEOID != "02"').filter(['GEOID', 'geometry']) ak_geoid_only = ak_districts.filter(['GEOID', 'geometry']) # In the election file, Alaska districts start with "029" instead of "020" ak_geoid_only['GEOID'] = ak_geoid_only['GEOID'].str.replace('020', '029', n = 1) # Combine spatial datasets with pd.concat() us_election_counties = pd.concat([us_counties_noak, ak_geoid_only]) ``` --- ## Merging, shifting, and mapping ```python from pygris.utils import shift_geometry us_election_geo = us_election_counties.merge(results2020, left_on = "GEOID", right_on = "county_fips") us_election_shift = shift_geometry(us_election_geo) us_election_shift.plot(column = "per_dem", cmap = "RdBu", legend = True, figsize = (20, 15), linewidth = 0.1, legend_kwds = {"shrink": 0.5}) ``` --- <img src="img/election2.png" width="750px" /> --- ## Does the map work well? * Problem with election maps: land doesn't vote! * Solutions: value-by-alpha maps, graduated symbol maps --- ## Value-by-alpha mapping * Principle: modify the opacity of polygons based on the value of a second variable (e.g., total votes cast) * Our workflow: calculate a percentile column based on total votes cast, which will be used as a 0 to 1 transparency value (requires matplotlib >= 3.3) ```python us_election_shift['percentile'] = us_election_shift['total_votes'].rank(pct = True) us_election_shift.plot(column = "per_dem", cmap = "RdBu", legend = True, figsize = (20, 15), legend_kwds = {"shrink": 0.5}, alpha = us_election_shift['percentile'], linewidth = 0.1) ``` --- <img src="img/electionalpha.png" width="750px" /> --- ## Graduated symbol mapping * While the value-by-alpha map removes the high-intensity colors from low-population areas, low-population areas still occupy most of the visual space on the map * A solution is a _graduated symbol map_ in which symbol sizes are proportional to total votes cast * Method: create a dataset of _centroids_ for each county, and plot those centroids over a base layer of counties as reference --- ## Graduated symbol mapping ```python # Get the centroids centers = us_election_shift.copy() centers['geometry'] = us_election_shift.centroid centers['votes_scaled'] = centers['total_votes'] / 1000 # Make the map fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (20, 15)) us_election_shift.plot(color = "lightgrey", ax = ax, linewidth = 0.1) centers.plot(markersize = "votes_scaled", column = "per_dem", cmap = "RdBu", k = 7, ax = ax, legend = True, alpha = 0.5, legend_kwds = dict(shrink = 0.5)) ax.set_axis_off() plt.title("2020 Presidential Election Results by County\nValues represent % voting for President Biden; circle sizes relative to total votes cast", fontsize = 14) ``` --- <img src="img/election3.png" width="750px" /> --- ## Part 2 exercises Visit and find another variable from the ACS Data Profile to map. * Choose a different state / county configuration (or, keep NYC if you want) * Swap in your new variable to `get_census()` and try re-producing one of the maps we made --- class: middle, center, inverse ## Part 3: Doing GIS and spatial data analysis in Python --- ## GIS and spatial data analysis in Python * Many common GIS tasks are available as GeoDataFrame methods * For more advanced spatial data analysis tasks, the PySAL suite of packages is best-in-class * In Part 3, we will: - Explore GIS methods with pygris and GeoPandas - Solve a territory planning problem with PySAL --- class: middle, center, inverse ## GIS methods with pygris and geopandas --- ## Geocoding * __Geocoding__: the process of converting a _description of a place_ to _geographic coordinates_ * Typically, that description will be an address * pygris makes the Census geocoder available in its `geocode` module - Advantages: free to use without an API key, returns the Census block of the location along with the longitude / latitude coordinates - Disadvantages: uses _street centerlines_ rather than _rooftop_ geocoding, which can lead to a loss in accuracy compared to commercial geocoders --- ## Geocoding with pygris * `geocode.geocode()` returns the longitude and latitude coordinates of an input address along with the Census block; `geocode.geolookup()` returns Census geography for an input longitude / latitude pair ```python from pygris.geocode import geocode geocode("426 Thompson St, Ann Arbor MI 48106") ``` --- ## Geocoding with pygris * Use `as_gdf = True` to return a GeoDataFrame that can be mapped ```python ssdan = geocode("426 Thompson St, Ann Arbor MI 48106", as_gdf = True) ssdan.explore(marker_type = "marker") ``` --- ## Geocoding and custom queries * `geocode.geocode()` powers custom queries in pygris functions, helping users extract Census shapes within a certain distance of an address ```python from pygris import tracts ssdan_tracts = tracts(state = "MI", cb = True, subset_by = {"426 Thompson St, Ann Arbor MI 48106": 5000}) ssdan_tracts.explore() ``` --- ## GIS operations in GeoPandas * The `subset_by` argument in pygris allows you to retrieve rows that _intersect_ an input shape * In some cases, you may want more fine-grained control over the rows you return * Solution: _spatial filtering_ using _spatial predicates_ --- ## Finding Census tracts in a metro area * In Census data analysis, we will commonly want to know what Census tracts fall within a metropolitan area * This information is not stored in the tract shapefiles directly, and we may not know all the county names within a metro beforehand * Let's replicate the example given in [Section 7.1 of _Analyzing US Census Data_]( using Python --- ## Getting relevant data with pygris * For a multi-state metro area, we can use a list comprehension to get relevant Census tracts then visualize which tracts fall within a metro area ```python import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pygris import core_based_statistical_areas ks_mo_tracts = pd.concat([tracts(state = x, cb = True) for x in ["KS", "MO"]]) kc_metro = core_based_statistical_areas(cb = True).query("GEOID == '28140'") fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10, 10)) ks_mo_tracts.plot(color = "white", edgecolor = "lightgrey", ax = ax) kc_metro.plot(edgecolor = "red", facecolor = "none", ax = ax) ``` --- <img src="img/kc1.png" width="700px" /> --- ## Finding intersecting Census tracts * Intersecting Census tracts could be found with `subset_by`, or with the `intersects()` method in GeoPandas ```python kc_intersects = ks_mo_tracts.intersects(kc_metro.geometry.iloc[0]) kc_tracts = ks_mo_tracts.loc[kc_intersects] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10, 10)) kc_tracts.plot(color = "white", edgecolor = "lightgrey", ax = ax) kc_metro.plot(edgecolor = "red", facecolor = "none", ax = ax) ``` --- <img src="img/kc2.png" width="400px" /> --- ## Finding tracts _within_ a metro area * Given that Census shapefiles from the same year align with one another, we can use `.within()` to cleanly identify Census tracts inside a metro area ```python kc_within = ks_mo_tracts.within(kc_metro.geometry.iloc[0]) kc_tracts_within = ks_mo_tracts.loc[kc_within] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10, 10)) kc_tracts_within.plot(color = "white", edgecolor = "lightgrey", ax = ax) kc_metro.plot(edgecolor = "red", facecolor = "none", ax = ax) ``` --- <img src="img/kc3.png" width="400px" /> --- class: middle, center, inverse ## Advanced example: territory planning in Python --- ## Territory planning / regionalization * A common use-case for Census data is to identify _coherent territories_ that can be used for social services provision, public health, sales planning, or many other applications * This can be accomplished in Python with _regionalization_, implemented with PySAL and the spopt package * Let's produce an example of regionalization adapted from [Section 8.5.2 of _Analyzing US Census Data]( --- ## Identifying relevant metrics * Regionalization attempts to generate "regions" that are both _spatially contiguous_ and relatively _homogeneous_ with respect to one or more characteristics * Let's grab some demographic data using `get_census()` that we can use for our Kansas City tracts. We'll use the following variables from the Data Profile: - `DP02_0068PE`: Percent age 25+ with a bachelor's degree or higher - `DP04_0007PE`: Percent single-family housing - `DP05_0018E`: Median age --- ## Identifying relevant metrics ```python from import get_census vars = ["DP02_0068PE", "DP04_0007PE", "DP05_0018E"] metrics = get_census(dataset = "acs/acs5/profile", variables = vars, year = 2021, params = { "for": "tract:*", "in": "state:20,29"}, guess_dtypes = True, return_geoid = True) ``` --- ## Preparing the data * We'll merge the `metrics` dataset to our Kansas City Census tracts dataset ```python kc_metrics = kc_tracts_within.merge(metrics, on = "GEOID").fillna(0) ``` * Missing values are filled with 0 to avoid _islands_ --- ## Defining spatial weights * We'll use PySAL to define polygon "contiguity" - that is, how Census tracts are determined to neighbor one another * We are using _queen's case contiguity_ in which tracts are considered to be neighbors if they share at least one vertex * PySAL's __splot__ package can plot the contiguity weights ```python from libpysal import weights from splot.libpysal import plot_spatial_weights w = weights.contiguity.Queen.from_dataframe(kc_metrics) plot_spatial_weights(w, kc_metrics) ``` --- <img src="img/weights.png" width="400px" /> --- ## Building and solving the model * We'll use the SKATER algorithm, implemented in the spopt package for spatial optimization ```python from spopt.region import Skater import numpy numpy.random.seed(1983) skater_model = Skater( kc_metrics, w, attrs_name = vars, n_clusters = 10, floor = 10 ) skater_model.solve() ``` --- ## Evaluating the model * We can grab the `labels_` attribute from the solved regionalization model, and add it to our tracts dataset as a column for visualization ```python kc_metrics['Region'] = skater_model.labels_ kc_metrics.plot(column = "Region", categorical = True, figsize = (8, 10), legend = True) ``` --- <img src="img/skater.png" width="300px" /> --- class: middle, center, inverse ## Thank you for attending!